News and Updates
Welcome to our news and updates page. We'll try to keep you updated on everything we're doing or planning. ^_^
Update! On What's Happening
Terian(Owner/CFO) on 12/08/2012 at 10:40pm (UTC) |
| I have finished the design for the magazine's cause shirts. Now all I need to do, is get them printed and we will begin selling them. ^_^ ♥ I hope your all excited! Don't forget to send me you letters, your little things for the Little Things Project, Words Project( A word that describes you; designed however you want it. A picture with you holding up the word and saying why it describes you. You can have a bunch of little words but only One Big Word.), Questions for advice and editors, and even your inspirational stories. ^_^ ♥ We need them by the 20th for you to be sure to be in this magazine's issue! - Terian(CFO/Owner) | | |
Projects !
Terian(CFO/Owner) on 11/28/2012 at 3:59am (UTC) |
| We're having lots of projects upcoming. Want to see yours in our next issue? Join our Little Things Project, email us your letter(s) for the Letter Section, and join our upcoming Words Project! For more information contact us. [: ^-^ -Terian(CFO/Owner) | | |
Second Issue.
Terian(Owner/CFO) on 11/24/2012 at 12:38am (UTC) |
| Dearest Friends, I am sad to say that their will be no issue being released this month. We have tried our hardest to be able to release one. And sadly, we just can't. However, hopefully our next issue will be up during sometime in early December. Even though we are not having an issue this month, don't be discouraged. This is our little break(not really) for the time being, share us with friends an family over the holiday season! Make it big! I am also trying to do events, to get more people to know about it. I'll keep you updated. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter and everything. Sincerest Regards and Happy Holiday Wishes -Terian(Owner/CFO) | | |
Want To Be In?
Terian(Owner/CFO) on 11/17/2012 at 5:00am (UTC) |
| Do you guys want to be in this issue, the December issue? Message us your Little Things Project! Little Things, things you like, things you dislike, or want to change about yourself and another Little Things project with Little Things you enjoy in life! Submissions are due on or before November, 23rd. ^-^ -Terian(CFO/Owner) Don't forget to also send in submissions for our letters section! And Question and Answer, anything and everything like that! ^_^ | | |
Our New Website
Terian on 11/08/2012 at 12:43am (UTC) |
| You guys, I have been working galore!!! So, now you don't have to check facebook or twitter for news, if your not on it alot. and you don't constantly have to go to a different link for the next magazine issue! I have created a website just for the magazine! You can sign up for our newsletter and our forum! Go and check it out! Leave comments and everything! ^_^ ♥ I am also working on tshirts and still getting hard copies at the moment. However, we now have a paypal so it should be easier. And if your feeling generous or caring you can even donate to us! ^_^ | | |